Growing Since 1978

We're a Real Local Florist and Greenhouse in Kimberly, WI

We're not a call center or a "megaflorist." We're the family owned florist right down the street, who will be designing and delivering your flowers.


Robinson Florist and Greenhouses (Appleton / Fox Cities area) provides a wide variety of floral services including birthday flowers, anniversary flowers, funeral flower arrangements, flower delivery, annual and perennials, house plants, and of course, flowers for any occasion.


By calling us direct, you will support a local business and avoid the add-on charges of the middleman. Save yourself some "green,"  call your local florist - Robinson Florist and Greenhouses!

Robinson Florist & Greenhouses first opened in 1978 and it is still owned by the same family. We're now in our second generation, but our founding principles have remained the same.

Our staff is dedicated to creating the finest floral arrangements with friendly and prompt service. We have over 35 years of experience and our staff experience sums up to 100 years!


Trust the friendly florists to provide you with the finest flowers and gifts to suit any occasion. Do you have someone special to buy a gift for? Let us suggest one of our many gift options.

Meet Our Team